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Smart Timetable

Smart Timetable

by Kravcov Denis
(0 Reviews) March 11, 2025
Smart Timetable Smart Timetable Smart Timetable Smart Timetable Smart Timetable Smart Timetable

Latest Version

March 11, 2025
Kravcov Denis
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More About Smart Timetablelication

-  No boring ads.
-  Multiple schedules at once
-  Rotating schedule support
-  Schedules for 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks.
-  Today widget with countdown timer.
-  Lesson and assignment notifications
-  Photos, videos, audio for your tasks
-  Sending schedules to friends and coworkers.
-  Wear OS support


 No boring ads

Smart Timetable is completely ad-free, which makes creating schedules and tasks very easy and convenient.We strive to ensure that our users have a better user experience so that they have more valuable time to devote to their routine and planning, instead of viewing unnecessary and annoying ads.


 Multiple schedules at once

You can create any number of schedules and timetables, easily switch between them, manage and customize them. School, university, gym, and everything else all in one app, always at your fingertips


 Rotating schedule support

A personal shift calendar can be generated in just seconds! You can add customized shifts easily. When editing your shifts, you can select a range of days to set. This allows you to create your schedule (roster, planner) in a few seconds. A calendar can now be created for nearly any shift. You can also add weekends and holidays which will shift your schedule.


 Schedules for 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks

With Smart Timetable, you can easily create schedules perfect for any educational institution like a school, university or college. The application supports weekly, two-weeks three-week, and four-week schedules.It's also ideal for distance learning at home


 Today widget with countdown timer

You can place a convenient and functional widget on your screen that will display your schedule and tasks. In addition, it will show a countdown to the end of the class. You won't have to count in your head to know how much time is left - just look at your phone screen to find out.


 Lesson and assignment notifications

Get notifications for your classes and tasks.Set your pickup time and always be aware of what's going on in your timetable


Photos, videos and audio for your tasks

 Are you in the classroom and need to quickly add a photo to your subject or file?You can do this in the Smart Timetable app. Attach any file to your classes and assignments and keep them handy.


Sending schedules to friends and co-workers

Did your friend not have time to create their own school schedule? No problem! You can help them by sending them your schedule using a code, a link to the web version or through other convenient options.

Privacy policy: https://smart-timetable.app/docs/privacy-policy.html

Terms of use: https://smart-timetable.app/docs/terms-of-use.html

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